Ecstatic Living


  • Take possession of Yourself!
  • Own your femininity!
  • Experience the fullness of your body! 

A 6-week sexual empowerment journey for Women who awaken their ecstatic sexuality and feel fully confident in the bedroom (and beyond).

If you know deep within that you want to experience the fullness of
your sexuality, your femininity, and your life,
you have come to the right place.

sexuality course for women

This Program is for you if you desire to…

This is a safe container where you are welcomed exactly as you are.
I celebrate you for being here!

Many women never truly learned what it is like to experience their own authentic expression of sexuality.

We are bombarded daily with “shoulds,” idealized images, and shame around our sexuality and pleasure.

The result is women who feel disconnected, burned out, and unable to truly live the life they desire.

Is this you?

Single, in a relationship, 18 or 87...
I welcome you to discover your birth right of radiant sexuality.

I want you to know that:

When you own your sexuality
you feel safe, confident, powerful, feminine and magnetic.

Curriculum for each week:


Love Foundations




pleasure Foundations


Power Foundations




ecstatic foundations

This program is for YOU if

tantra practitioner

We meet weekly for an online call for 2 hours via Zoom. In the first part of our meeting I introduce the information of the week, sharing with you my knowledge around female sexuality based upon my studies and experiences as a tantra practitioner, sexuality & empowerment coach, integrating the art of Taoism, yoga, meditation, rebirthing breathwork, emotional healing. The call is interactive, and those who wish can receive coaching guidance and ask their questions. All calls are recorded, and you will be able to listen to it later in private, even if you were not able to participate in the live call itself.

  • Live calls are hosted: on Mondays @ 7 pm (CET, Budapest) 
  • Via Zoom on any of your devices (phone, pc, tablet)
  • Recordings are uploaded within 24 hours to re-watch it
  • Access to an international community of powerful women 

Whatever you have experienced before, I want you to know that
you CAN live a life of ecstatic and fulfilling intimacy.

What Ecstatic includes:

Your body is sacred, your sexuality is sacred, You Are Sacred.

About me

Hi, my name is Chandra. I am a tantric sexuality coach and I empower women  to fully embody their feminine power, sovereignty, and joy.  I am so thrilled you are here, embarking on your own awakening journey.

My journey to embodying my full sexual energy and power started back when I was living in Budapest, Hungary, the city I was born and raised. Like many of you, my healing began at one of my darkest moments. After a decade of running my  own successful business, I burned out and  nearly ended up in the hospital with anorexia.

I realized that even though I was “successful” on the outside, my health, relationships, and way I related to myself were a disaster. I realized that I was so immersed in masculine energy that I had sacrificed my own true  essence: the essence of my femininity. The burnout forced me to slow down. 

tantra coach

I began reconnecting to the wisdom of my body through yoga, tantric practices, and breathwork. I started eating simple foods and listening to my body’s intuition. I began to hear my own voice underneath all the noise of the world. I began to live my truth.

Before my awakening, I thought being a woman meant throwing on a pair of high heels, a nice dress, and doing my hair pretty. Now I know there is so much more!

Through tuning into my own truth, the wisdom of my body, and the power of my femininity my life has completely transformed. I went from running a successful business and burning out in Budapest Hungary, to running a successful business helping other women awaken in a gorgeous island in Indonesia. Where before I drank endless coffee to get myself through the day, I now drink fresh coconut water on the beach and relax in the  sunshine. Where before my relationships were surface-level and unsatisfactory, I now have a beautiful, conscious partnership with an amazing man. 

I tell you these things because they are possible for you, too. This is the transformation that I walk my clients through each and every day.  We all deserve to live our full truths, we all deserve to live with our full aliveness, sovereignty, and sexual power. Are you ready to see what is possible for  you? I can’t wait to connect.

sexuality coach

Some of the powerful tools you will learn:

Shifts you will experience:

Tantric coach

This program is NOT for your if:

What women say about my work

‘Chandra is a very caring facilitator and I felt deeply supported by her. I love the way in which she gently held a safe space for me to work through some challenging issues.

Her immense compassion and expertise shines through her work. She knows how to deliver her powerful suite of tools and techniques, in a clear way that I could easily assimilate and later apply in my daily life. I highly recommend Chandra as a high caliber healer, space holder and highly experienced facilitator.’

Mirella, 2020

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“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.”


Are you are ready?
Register for the waiting list!
I will inform you about the next course start!

EUR 440.-

EUR 640.-

(including an additional 1-on-1 coaching session with Chandra)


(incl. 1 additional 1-on-1 coaching session with Chandra)


First of all, the “homework” is not really work at all…it is actually pleasurable! It will be about 4-5 hours per week to complete the homework/practices.  You also have the option to do the practices at your own pace as you have access to the practices, live calls and pdf documents via the website.  You will have access to the material as long as our site is active.

The recording of the weekly live calls are uploaded to the website platform within 24 hours, therefore you can re-watch or re-listen to it. If you have any questions related to the replay of the live calls or any other subjects, there is a private FB Group that is available for questions and comments. 

You will not be on your own.  We meet weekly for group coaching sessions, the private FB Group is there for you 24/7 to stay connected, to share your concerns or to reach out for support whenever it is needed. I am also available for private questions and/or coaching sessions to give you whatever is needed to get the most out of the program.

Part of the course is to learn to hold yourself in your emotions. Generally, we are conditioned to suppress unpleasant emotions, such as anger, disappointment, shame, fear, etc. and therefore we are not comfortable dealing with them. Throughout this program you will learn to acknowledge and feel these emotions, which is, on its own, absolutely healing.


I would really like to make this course accessible to as many women as possible.  There is an option for a payment plan, and even a few spots with discounted payment.  Send me a private email with your financial condition and I will try to come up with a suitable solution ASAP.

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