My morning meditation treasures: Aya

My morning meditation treasures: An evolution of perspectives on healing

I used to love Aya… this is how we called her… back then when sitting for a ceremony would be considered illegal… and criminal with punishable consequences…

Meanwhile, sitting with her became so trendy that nobody cares to use a coverup name anymore…

I used to love Aya… so much so that I couldn’t wait to sit and drink her bittersweet juice…

I even travelled exactly to the other side of the planet from Thailand to sit with an authentic peruvian shaman …
…deep in the amazonian jungle for months…

…where I was to forced to face my deapest feers of being attacked and killed by some animal while sleeping in the wooden tambo by myself deep in the jungle

…with noone in 200 meter distance…protected only by a mosquito net ..
…and even though I left the jungle with the level of sensitivity where I was able to ’read’ the thoughts of strangers down on the street…
…for the great benefit of my clients for healing sessions…and a great challenge for myself for learning to deal with an overwhelm of senses…


These days I would not fly over to Peru anymore…Since things have changed and I would not fly for Aya…

Not because since than I realised that sitting with her would not do the work..
Even thought It eases the work with her (Aya) insights and emotional let-go…

It eases…still you need to do the daily work of reconditioning, mindset clearing, evolving on communication and boundary setting skills and learning the tools to manage your emotions…just to name a few of the necessities…for a balanced life

You still need to do the work to turn the channeled knowledge into practicalities…

Also not because I learned that purging the darkness does not lead automatically to happiness…
Dwelling into your wounds will do the emotional overload release…still it won’t necessary teach you how to select the right partner …nor to give you enough self-confident to make A RADICAL change in your life…

I would not fly over because…
I just had enough from the healing through the deep-dive into the shadow of the past…

It has to be another way I thought to myself…
Going towards the light can do the healing and – transformation as well.

The darkness dissolves in the light.
The more light …so lets just get closer to the light…where I will be able to look at the shadow…and not needing to swim my way through it…
Just looking at it…not being in it

So these days I rather do a type of plant medicine…I call it tantric yogi aya…or a simple canabbis….or mushrooms

these days it does the same for me..
I became sensitive enough, that 1 sip of any of those can put me into a place of downloads for the good half of the night

…and the light just comes in…transmutes and rewires

I hope this all makes sense…for some of you 🙂

#chandra #tantra #rebirthing #embodiment #mentoring

On the picture you see a TAMBO.


I have 2 places for 1on1 mentoring in February for an individual (men or woman) – to shift your life around love / self-love, confidence, relationships and intimacy.


Üdvözöllek, Chandra vagyok.

Couples coaching

2011. óta kísérek férfiakat, nőket és párokat az önbizalom, önszeretet, tudatosság, valamint a szexualitás és intimitás mélyebb megélésének útján.

Egyéni terápiás coaching és csoportos programjaim azoknak szólnak, akik szeretnének kiteljesedni női vagy férfi minőségük megélésében, és tartalmas, minőségi kapcsolatokra vágynak.

Szomatikus megközelítésen alapuló munkám a szeretet, intimitás és örömteli szexualitás köré épül, mert hiszem, hogy ezek jelentik az alapot a mély kapcsolódás és a boldog, teljes élet megteremtéséhez. Holisztikus szemlélettel, modern coaching eszközöket, klasszikus és neo-tantra elemeket, légzéstechnikákat és belső gyermek gyógyítást ötvözöm, hogy testi, érzelmi és szexuális téren is mély átalakulást hozzunk létre klienseimmel karonfogva.