My Wild Woman

My wild woman speaks to me! She has been speaking to me but I just wasn’t aware of her talking to me. It was like the voice of a stranger, of a wild weirdo in the back of my mind. She has been trying to get my attention for a while, asking me to let her go out there, to let her leave the cage. The cage of fear of rejection, neglect, denial, criticism, ridicule. My wild woman was terrified to share her authentic self, especially around her sexuality and sensuality, since every time she did so in the past (childhood) her innocent energy and nature was twisted around and turned against her by the environment. Why would anyone do that to an innocent one, you may ask? My answer may be different from yours, but is: for keeping her under control, for not being provoked in one’s insecurities around sexuality by her awakening as a sexual being, for feeling powerful and significant by disempowering someone else….

My wild woman bought all that emotional and mental mess and did put up with it… until now.

My wild woman is an Amazonian warrior. She is stronger and bigger than all that shit. She is still alive, and is about to make her way through. She is about to shine through all of that accumulated stuff, not even her stuff, and to transform it into self-love, self-confidence, and coming back to trust in intimacy again.

My wild woman is a shamanic healer. She has been healing herself. She is about to leave behind that pattern of living in a survival mode, and to step into thriving in love, joy, happiness, and sexuality.

My wild woman wants to get out there and finally explore and live life!

She wants to get out there and…….:)

Üdvözöllek, Chandra vagyok.

Az elmúlt 10 évben rengeteg nőnek és férfinak volt szerencsém segiteni önmaguk felfedezésében. Van akinek ez az felfedezés az egyéni életcél megtalálásában segitett, másnak tartalmas kapcsolatok kialakitásában, megint másnak pedig a tudatos vezetővé válásban, ismét másnak nőiességének ill. férfiasságának megélésében.