Happy birthday For Me!

Happy birthday For Me!

Today, is a BIG celebration!

It is big, because I celebrate my birthday & the 1 year anniversary of my return to Hungary.

Already 1 year has passed since I moved back from Asia to Europe, from living on a small tropic island to a city, from “foreversummer” back into 4 seasons again.

I celebrate that I managed to integrate this HUGE shift &  remain healthy, positive and CREATIVE.

This is a change only those can understand who lived through it!

Honestly, I didn’t know what to expect when I decided to return to my home country.

I   sensed it is going to be challenging – so I kept postponing the date until the last (for 2 years actually). 

I think the most challenging part was to shift from living in a community, and move back into city-type of life.

Another part of the shift was to settle down, after being a nomad for 10 years.  

ACTUALLY A REALLY BIG change – from detachment of belongings, being able to move around with 1 suitcase, packing up my place within 24 hours and being on the move – to OWNING my place again.

Again, I think you need to have a lived experience to understand (actually to feel) the emotional and emotional complexity of owning a property – committing to a location – GROWING ROOTS in one place.


So here I am. 

Growing roots…

Re-building my life from scratch – after 10 years abroad feels exactly like that

Re-building a social life… 

Looking to find my place within the local spiritual-healing-empowerment-conscious sexuality-medicine journey communities.

Adapting to another change: living just next to the sea (on the pic) to living in my own property again! My house is almost ready! Moving in before Christmas!

I hope next year I can travel somewhere though!

Üdvözöllek, Chandra vagyok.

Az elmúlt 10 évben rengeteg nőnek és férfinak volt szerencsém segiteni önmaguk felfedezésében. Van akinek ez az felfedezés az egyéni életcél megtalálásában segitett, másnak tartalmas kapcsolatok kialakitásában, megint másnak pedig a tudatos vezetővé válásban, ismét másnak nőiességének ill. férfiasságának megélésében.